"Groundhog Day" is played. Jack, Mary, and Mel hear a breaking news intro from the music machine. Brunk Stinegrouber is outside, about to deliver the news on whether the groundhog will see her shadow. Gertrude doesn't come out of her stump, however. She runs into the clubhouse, hiding from Brunk. She explains that she is nervous and shy and is, therefore, afraid of crowds and sounds. Brunk Steingrouber then enters, asking Jack and Mary if they have seen the groundhog. Gertrude quickly pops up, saying, "no," and Brunk Steingrouber leaves. Gertrude sighs in relief. Jack tells Gertrude that she must go back outside for Groundhog Day. Gertrude says that Groundhog Day will have to go on without her. "I Hog The Ground" is played. Mary looks out the window at the clubhouse, telling Gertrude that Brunk Steingrouber is still looking for her. Gertrude flies up, knocking Mary down. Jack comes over, telling Gertrude that she needs to go outside. Gertrude then rushes to the music machine, telling Jack and Mary that she has hired someone to take her place, which is Mel. Brunk can tell that Mel is not a groundhog. Mel does things a dog would do during this scene, sniffing and barking. Gertrude needs to go outside and deliver the weather. The Schwartzman Quartet enters, singing, "When Will Spring Be Sprung?". Gertrude joins them, then once The Schwartzman Quartet leaves, she leaves the clubhouse. The audience is outside the clubhouse waiting for Gertrude. Gertrude sees the audience and runs back in. "I Had A Friend" is played. Back at the clubhouse, Brunk Steingrouber is interviewing Jack and Mary. Jack and Mary tell Brunk Steingrouber that Gertrude The Groundhog is nervous and shy. Brunk then leaves. Jack and Mary think of how to get Gertrude to no longer be nervous and shy. They have the idea that music can help. At the back of the clubhouse, Jack tells Gertrude that he was once nervous and shy, too: on his first day of preschool. "First Day of Preschool" is played. After the song, Gertrude is no longer nervous and shy. She thanks Jack, Mary, and Mel for helping her. Finally, Gertrude delivers the weather. Gertrude doesn't see her shadow, meaning Spring is coming soon.
Steven Burns, best known for his role as Steve on Blue's Clues, another Noggin/Nick Jr show, guest-stars in the song I Hog the Ground.
This episode aired on Groundhog Day in 2007.
This episode aired the least often, only airing in 2007 (simulcasted on Nickelodeon and Noggin) and 2011 (Nick Jr. channel only) on Groundhog Day. The only known time this episode didn't air on Groundhog Day was on September 16, 2010, via a Nick Jr. Channel rerun. In total, this episode has only aired three times.
This is the only episode where we see Jack's bedroom and the preschool that Jack attended.
No other kids were seen at the preschool.
This is the second and final time Jack wears a different shirt. The first time was in Jack's Big Orchestra, although Jack could have been wearing his normal shirt under his tuxedo in that episode.
It is revealed that Mel and Jack live in the same house, implying that Mel is Jack's house pet.
Groundhog News Network (GNN) is a parody of Cable News Network (CNN).