Act 1[]
We see Jack wearing a silver space helmet, and he is holding his guitar.
Jack: Space helmet, check! (close up of guitar) Guitar! (plays guitar) Check! Drums!
(We see a close up of Mel's drums as Mel does a quick drum solo on a homemade rocket.)
Mel: Ruff!
(Jack and Mel fly homemade rockets onscreen)
Jack: (to Mel) Alrighty then, space Mel! We are ready for countdown! (flies to viewer) Hey, countdown with us! (flies back) 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLASTOFF! (they fly toward the camera as they take off, zooming all around the clubhouse as they sing "Space Explorers".)
(the song ends with an instrumental break as they continue flying their homemade spaceships all over the place)
Mary: (offscreen) Jack! Mel!
Jack: Yippee! Mary is here! Oh, she'll just love playing space explorer with us!
Mel: Ruff!
Mary enters, wearing a Wagnerian opera outfit: a red and blue helmet with orange horns, a blue shirt with silver dots around it, and a red stick with a blue top, resembling a spear.
Mary: (singing) ♪ Hello one, la-la-la, hello all, la-la-la, Mary has arrived, for a day of music and fun. ♪
Jack rides his spaceship onscreen towards Mary.
Jack: (makes spaceship noises) Hey, hiya, Mary!
Mary: Hello, Jack!
Jack: Say, Mary, that's not a space helmet on your head.
Mary: No. Why would I need a space helmet, Jack?
Jack: Because I thought we could play (voice echoes) space explorer today. (makes a spaceship noise)
Mary: Oh, gee-whiz, Jack. I thought we could play opera singer today. Check out my opera outfit, pretty spiffy, huh?
Jack: Opera singer?
Mary: Mm-hmm.
Jack: Mary, what is opera?
Mary: (gasps) Oh, opera is super swell, Jack. You'll love it. Opera is like a play, except the people on stage sing the words, instead of just talking.
Jack: Oh! (singing) ♪ You mean like thi-i-i-is! ♪
Mary: (singing) ♪ That is exactly, Jack! That is opera music! This is opera music, and here is some mo-o-o-o-o-o-ore opera music! ♪ Hit it, Mel.
Mel starts playing the piano to the tune of Carmen Suite No. 1: "Les Toreadors", by George Bizet, and the sound of a crowd applauding is heard. Mary walks onscreen and sings "Mary's Opera: Part 1".
(Piano playing continues at the end of this solo. Song ends)
The off-screen SFX crowd applauds again.
Mary: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Mel: Ruff! (takes a bow)
Mary: Thank you- (a bouquet of flowers is thrown at her) Oh, thank you! Thank you! Ha-ha-ha!
Jack flies on-screen, still in his spaceship.
Jack: Wow!
Mary: Opera music rocks, Jack, doesn't it?
Jack: Oh, it sure does, Mary!
Mary: So then, it's agreed! We'll play opera singer today! Singing more opera...
Jack: Uh, well, wait a minute, Mary.
Mary: Singing more opera...
Jack: Mary, wait a minute...
Mary: Singing more opera-a-a-a!
Mary is startled.
Jack: (stutters) I don't wanna play opera singer today. No, I really want to play (voice echoes) space explorer.
Mary: But... but I wanna play opera singer today, Jack.
Jack: Well, I say we play space explorer.
Mary: And I say we play opera singer.
Jack: Space explorer.
Mary: Opera singer.
Jack: Space explorer.
Mary: Opera singer.
Jack: Space explorer.
Mary: Opera singer.
They talk over each other. Mel runs offscreen and turns on his music machine. "I'm So Glad" by Jerry Lawson and the Talk of the Town is played.
Act 2[]
After "I'm So Glad":
Jack and Mary still talk over each other by the piano. Mel runs onscreen.
Mel: Ruff.
Jack: (to Mary) Mel's right, Mary. We're not getting anywhere.
Mary: Oh, you're right, Jack.
Mel: (to Jack) Ruff.
Jack: No, no, Mel, we haven't decided what we're gonna play today.
Mary: Jack, we could have the swellest time playing opera singer. Just think of it, the high notes. (in a high voice) ♪ L-a-a! ♪ The low notes. (in a low voice) ♪ L-a-a! ♪ I could even get you one of these horned helmets.
Jack: Come on, Mary. I really wanna play space explorer with you. Think of it. Me, you, Mel, and a spaceship. Huh? It'll be a big time blast. What do you say?
Mary: I say opera singer.
Jack: (sighs) Space explorer.
Mary: Opera singer.
This continues until the doorbell rings.
Jack and Mary: ♪ Come i-in! ♪
It is the Schwartzman Quartet. They sing "What Are They Gonna Do About That?".
After the song:
Mary: So, what are we gonna do about this, Jack?
Both: Hmm.
The Schwartzman Quartet leave.
Jack: Well, we were all gonna play together, like we always do.
Mary: Yeah, we were all gonna play together, but, how can we?
Jack: Well, I guess I'll just have to play space explorer without you. (to Mel) Come on, Mel. (flies off) Vroom!
Mary: And I guess I'll have to play opera singer without you. (to Mel) Come on, Mel.
Jack and Mary both try to call Mel, in opposite sides. Mel runs back and forth between them.
The music machine turns on, and "I'm Not Perfect" by The Laurie Berkner Band plays.
Act 3[]
After "I'm Not Perfect":
Jack continues to play space explorer. Mel flies onscreen.
Jack: (to Mel) Oh no, space Mel! It looks like we need to pass through the Milky Way! (to viewer) Gee, Mary would love this adventure. (to Mel) Well, how do you think we should proceed, space Mel? (the camera zooms out, revealing that Mel has gone elsewhere) Mel? (looks around) Mel? (to viewer) Where'd Mel go?
Near the door, Mel has ran to Mary, who is by the piano, still in her opera outfit. Mel wears a horned helmet like Mary's. She clears her throat and sings "Mary's Opera: Part 2" as Mel plays the piano.
After the song:
Mary: Ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh, Jack would think that was a funny song. (starts to sing her ditty again, only to notice that Mel has ran off) Mel? Mel? Where'd ya go?
Mel, wearing the space explorer outfit, flies to Jack.
Jack: (to Mel) There you are, space Mel! Where have you been? We need to fly off, off to far-off lands! Off, to where no dog and kid have gone before! Off.. off... (Mel has ran back to Mary) Hey, where'd he run off to?!
Mel, wearing the opera singer hat, runs to Mary by the piano.
Mary: Mel, where have you been?! I need your piano!
Mel starts playing piano. Mary sings "Mary's Opera: Part 3".
After the song:
Mary: (Mel has ran off again) Mel? Where ya goin?
Mel runs back and forth, changing outfits each time.
Jack: (offscreen) Hey, Mel! We're zooming past Neptune! Help!
Mary: (offscreen) Mel, I'm piano-less!
Jack: (offscreen) Mel, we're heading into hyperspace!
Mary: (offscreen) Mel, that was your cue! (Mel quickly changes into his opera outfit and runs to Mary)
Jack: (offscreen) Where's my co-pilot? (Mel runs to Jack)
Mary: (offscreen) Where's my accompanist?
Jack: (offscreen) We're coming in for a landing!
Mary: (offscreen) Mel, rehearsal!
They both keep calling Mel at the same time. Mel trips and falls, now wearing both helmets. Jack and Mary run onscreen.
Jack: Mel.
Mary: Aw, Mel.
Mel: Ruff.
Jack: Yeah, you're right, Mel. It would be more fun if we all played together.
Mary: Yeah, and besides, I really miss playing with you, Jack.
Jack: You know, Mary. I really miss playing with you, too.
Mary: But how are we gonna play together?
Mel looks up and notices his hat.
Mel: Ruff.
Jack: Look at your hat? (does so, starts laughing) Hey, Mel! Your hat looks like it belongs to a- to a space opera singer explorer!
Both start laughing.
Mary: Space opera singer explorer.
Both: Space opera singer explorer? (looking at the camera) Space opera singer explorer!
Mel: Ruff!
We see Jack, Mary, and Mel wearing a mix of space explorer and opera singer outfits. They are all in homemade spaceships, flying around the clubhouse, singing "Space Opera".
After the song:
The off-screen crowd is heard applauding again.
Mary: Ha-ha-ha, oh, that was fun, Jack!
Jack: Yeah, it's so much more fun when we play together.
Mary: It always is, Jack. It always is.
Both: (singing) Space opera!
Mary: What a day!
They sing the goodbye song and continue playing.
Mary: (laughing)
Jack: Whoo-hoo! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Yeah!
Jack and Mary: (both laughing)
Jack: (imitating rocket sounds) Whoo-hoo! Ha-ha-ha! Hee-hee-hee-hee!